HTC Crosslinker 23

HTC Crosslinker 23


HTC Crosslinker 23 is water dispersible isocyanate suitable as crosslinking agent for acrylic and polyurethane


Nature: Aliphatic polyisocyanate in organic solvent
Appearance: Clear liquid
Active content: 70 ± 1 %
NCO content:
( as supplied)
11 – 12 %



  • At dosage levels from 5 % to 10 % in water based acrylic or polyurethane systems, HTC Crosslinker 23
    improves wet and dry scrub resistance, chemical resistance, film toughness and abrasion resistance.
  • Due to great variety of raw materials the compatibility of HTC Crosslinker 23 must be determined before its
  • HTC Crosslinker 23 is compatible and gives glossy and transparent coatings with HTC PU 3800.
  • The Pot life of the crosslinked systems must be determined experimentally. Normally, in water based –
    systems, shelf life takes as long about 2-4 hours.
  • The end of pot-life generally results in foaming generation, reduction of film transparency, increase of the
    system’s viscosity
  • HTC Crosslinker 23 is easy dispersible in water, and can be easy hand-mixed in the paints/varnish.



HTC Crosslinker 23 slowly reacts with water and must be kept in closed container, in dry conditions.
For a safe and correct use read safety data sheet before handling the product.


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price or replacement of the Product. All consequential damages, labor and cost of labor are hereby excluded.